The Power of Work Friends

Education2年前 (2022)更新 Admin
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Pre-pandemic, talking on the phone felt like something we did way back when Facetime wasn't a thing. It might be time to bring this retro fad back, because it cuts down on screen time but still allows you to connect with people in a more organic way. It may feel weird to randomly call a co-worker, but if you use a little planning, talking on the phone can be a great way to collaborate, debrief, or decompress. Still, whether you get to see your coworkers in person or not, there are many ways to cultivate meaningful friendships at work. Crossed wires and missed connections - good communication among teams is tablestakes for effective teamwork.

  • The more you engage with a person, the stronger a professional relationship—and personal friendship—you can build.
  • If this is the case, ease your way out of the friendship as gracefully as possible.
  • Best friends trust, accept, and forgive each other.
  • In the early days of the pandemic, almost every company tried to offload the stress of staying connected with structure.
  • Most of the time you can find at least one person you really like at your company.
  • Explore the connection, get to know the person and see what happens over the next several weeks or months.

When she's not working with clients through her company GoldSquare, she loves reading, traveling, and learning new things. If you know anyone who struggles with loneliness or social isolation, share this post.

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Let’s say you heard a coworker Megan mention in the all-staff meeting that she was late because she was putting her kindergarten son on the school bus for the first time. After the meeting, send her a message telling her you know exactly how that feels – you just dropped your three-year-old off at her first day of daycare.

  • It’s sad if we cannot have friends at work because we believe the risks are too high.
  • If you have just moved to a country and don’t speak the local language, you could also do a language course.
  • I spoke with experts and people who have successfully forged friendships at work to get their best advice on how to make a work friend.
  • For some folks, working from home means more freedom, a better work-life balance, increased productivity and a number of other awesome perks.
  • When you’re listening, focus on what the other person is saying instead of planning what you want to say next.
  • Kimberly Cummings, a career coach in NYC, advises trying to recreate as many of these casual professional encounters as possible to stay in the loop.

A coliving space is a house where digital nomads and remote professionals live and work together. They usually have their own bedroom and share common facilities like a kitchen and living room. They also often have an extra office room where they can work together. Since we are talking about events, did you know that there are some massive conferences, workshops, and get-togethers for people like you? These are made for digital nomads, remote professionals, entrepreneurs, and long-term travelers.

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Friendship is not built from one interaction; it grows gradually. According to the mere exposure effect, we unconsciously like those we are more exposed to. Scheduling an informal chat is great, but this chat needs to be repeated for a friendship to develop.

The Power of Work Friends

The breakthroughs and innovations that we uncover lead to new ways of thinking, new connections, how to make friends when you work from home and new industries. I know, actually opening up a bit and talking to people?

Building Lasting Friendships at Work

Think there may be other folks in your organization looking for outdoor volunteer opportunities? Start a Slack channel and invite anyone who’s interested to join.

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