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Cryptocurrency exchange2年前 (2022)更新 Admin
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Initiate a REST request to get the snapshot data of Level 2 order book. For the same type of messages with the same topic, you could judge the type of messages through their subjects. While there are topic messages generated, the system will send the corresponding messages to the client side. For details about the message format, please check the definitions of topics. If the server has not received any message from the client for a long time, the connection will be disconnected. After the ping message is sent to the server, the system would return a pong message to the client side.

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We've added some stove pipe in this category for your convenience. ZXY was founded in 1968 and listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange in 1996. ZXY has an engineering technology center specializing in the development and application of new automotive bearing products, new technologies. In addition to automotive bearings, it also designs machinery, agricultural machinery, appliances and fans. Its predecessor, Luoyang Bearing Research Institute, was established.

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The maintenanceMargin might be calculated from other factors outside of the maintenanceMarginPercentage including the funding rate and taker fees, for example on kucoin. Accessing transaction fee rates should be done via the .currencies property. This aspect is not unified yet and is subject to change. The calculateFee trustcoin method will return a unified fee structure with precalculated fees for an order with specified params. The amount payable to the exchange upon depositing and withdrawing as well as the underlying crypto transaction fees . Some exchanges allow transfers to email addresses, phone numbers or to other users by user id.

  • The main account is used for the storage, withdrawal, and deposit of the funds.
  • When you cancel a stop order, you will receive a message with "cancel" type.
  • In order to see which of the two methods are supported, check the exchange.has['fetchDepositAddress'] and exchange.has['createDepositAddress'] properties.
  • If the post only order will execute against an iceberg/hidden order immediately, you will get the maker fees.
  • You should not share the same API keypair across multiple instances of an exchange running simultaneously, in separate scripts or in multiple threads.

Also, note that all other methods above return an array of orders. Most of them will require a symbol argument as well, however, some exchanges allow querying with a symbol unspecified . They usually have it available on a separate tab https://cryptolisting.org/ or page within your user account settings. API keys are exchange-specific and cannnot be interchanged under any circumstances. There is a bit of term ambiguity across various exchanges that may cause confusion among newcoming traders.

Overriding Unified API Params

The updated field is the UTC timestamp in milliseconds of the most recent change of status of that funding operation, be it withdrawal or deposit. It is necessary if you want to track your changes in time, beyond a static snapshot. As with all other unified methods for fetching historical data, the fetchMyTrades method accepts a since argument for date-based pagination. Just like with all other unified methods throughout the CCXT library, the since argument for fetchMyTrades must be an integer timestamp in milliseconds. If since is not specified the fetchOHLCV method will return the time range as is the default from the exchange itself. Some exchanges will return candles from the beginning of time, others will return most recent candles only, the exchanges' default behaviour is expected.

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A private API is also often called trading, trade, tapi, exchange, account, etc... The base exchange class also has builtin methods for accessing markets by symbols. Most API methods require a symbol to be passed in their first argument. You are often required to specify a symbol when querying current prices, making orders, etc. This API endpoint can be used to transfer funds between accounts internally.


Using the same keypair from different instances simultaneously may cause all sorts of unexpected behaviour. Append public apiKey and nonce to other endpoint params, if any, then serialize the whole thing for signing. Use the fetchOpenInterestHistory method to get a history of open interest for a symbol from the exchange. Use the fetchOpenInterest method to get the current open interest for a symbol from the exchange.

Hardcoded into the exchange class, e.g. if the API has been broken or shutdown. The list of candles is returned sorted in ascending (historical/chronological) order, oldest candle first, most recent candle last. A general solution for fetching all tickers from all exchanges (even the ones that don't have a corresponding API endpoint) is on the way, this section will be updated soon. All fields in the ticker represent the past 24 hours prior to timestamp.

Margin Order Update Event

You should use a proxy or get a server somewhere closer to the exchange. Your code to reproduce the issue + verbose output is required in order to get help. When you go long on a position you are betting that the price will be higher in the future and that the price will never be less than the liquidationPrice. Fee related information is experimental, unstable and may only be partial available or not at all. The network field is relatively new, it may be undefined / None / null or missing entirely in certain cases , but will be added everywhere eventually. The fee substructure may be missing, if not supplied within the reply coming from the exchange.

For the POST, PUT request, all query parameters need to be included in the request body with JSON. The REST API has endpoints for account and order management as well as public market data. We will offer you a jumpstart (e.g. a VIP level which matches your volume on other exchanges even though you are not trading as much on KuCoin) for 30 days. After 30 days, your VIP level will be calculated based on your actual trading volume on KuCoin. If you are a professional trader or market maker and need a higher limit, please send your KuCoin account, reason and approximate trading volume to . When two orders from the same user cross, the smaller order will be canceled and the larger order will be decremented by the size of the smaller order.

If the exchnange does not specify it via public endpoints, the fee can be undefined/None/null or missing. An uppercase string code representation of a particular currency. Currency codes are used to reference currencies within the ccxt library .

First and foremost, when using CCXT you're talking to the exchanges directly. CCXT is not a server, nor a service, it's a software library. All data that you are getting with CCXT is received directly from the exchanges first-hand. The quoteVolume is the amount of quote currency traded in last 24 hours. The baseVolume is the amount of base currency traded in last 24 hours.

The limit strategy of private endpoints will restrict account by userid. The limit strategy of public endpoints will restrict IP.Note that when an API has a specific rate limit, please refer to the specific limit. CryptoQuadriga provides content for information purposes only, and we don’t offer brokerage comparisons. Be advised that cryptocurrency trading is volatile and risky and not suited for all investors. Before deciding to trade cryptocurrencies, think about your financial goals, level of expertise, and risk tolerance. It is recommended to use the maintenanceMargin and initialMargin instead of the maintenanceMarginPercentage and initialMarginPercentage since these tend to be more accurate.

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You probably want to fetch all tickers only if you really need all of them and, most likely, you don't want to fetchTickers more frequently than once in a minute or so. The limit argument does not guarantee that the number of bids or asks will always be equal to limit. It designates the upper boundary or the maximum, so at some moment in time there may be less than limit bids or asks. This is the case when the exchange does not have enough orders on the orderbook.

Most of exchanges will not allow to query detailed candlestick history (like those for 1-minute and 5-minute timeframes) too far in the past. They usually keep a reasonable amount of most recent candles, like 1000 last candles for any timeframe is more than enough for most of needs. You can work around that limitation by continuously fetching latest OHLCVs and storing them in a CSV file or in a database. The returned list of candles may have one or more missing periods, if the exchange did not have any trades for the specified timerange and symbol.

In other words, there is always some latency in the exchange API between the moment when a trade happens and the moment when a corresponding OHLCV candle is updated or published by the exchange API. To get the list of available timeframes for your exchange see the timeframes property. Note that it is only populated when has['fetchOHLCV'] is true as well.

Order b now has a status of closed and a filled volume of 100. The selling order has an open status and a filled volume of 100. A trade is generated for the order b against the incoming sell order. That trade "fills" the entire order b and most of the sell order.

Take Profit / Stop Loss Orders which are tied to a position-opening primary order. Implemented by supplying a dictionary parameters for stopLoss and takeProfit describing each respectively. They can be used to close positions when a certain profit level is reached, or to mitigate a large loss.

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