GitMind ·思乎GitMind(思乎)是一款全平台 在线思维导图脑图架构图制作软件工具,支持手机手机思维导图,Windows/Mac/L多平台操作及内容同步。它提供有海量的架构图,流程图、思维导图模板可供用户直接使用,支持在线制作流程图、思维导图、组织结构图、类图、用例图、ER图、网络拓扑图以及UML图等十多种图形。
Ayoa UltimateAyoa is the original mind mapping app, pushing the boundaries of brainstorming to new levels. Get started with Ayoa and its powerful AI to fuel your creativity!
Otter.aiOtter.ai uses AI to write automatic meeting notes with real-time transcription, recorded audio, automated slide capture, and automated meeting summaries.
AmyMindAmyMind 是一款打开即用的思维导图和画板在线工具。AmyMind is a mindmap & whiteboard online tool.You can use it as a mindmap maker,as an ER diagram tool, and more.